How Tulip helped an auto parts retailer turn store managers into business managers

A 90–store automotive parts retailer operated a complex business that spanned consumer, commercial and wholesale channels, all from their physical store locations. To improve their results, they wanted to better understand the drivers of performance in each store and – most importantly – equip their store managers with the tools to manage and optimize those drivers on a daily basis. The retailer chose Tulip’s Blueday solution to give them the actionable data needed to diagnose performance issues, optimize schedules, and create daily action plans that enabled store managers to run their stores more efficiently and effectively.  

Learn how Tulip helped the retailer to:

  • Ensure their data was used and useful for store managers
  • Transform store managers into great business leaders 
  • Create visibility and accountability for field leadership 
  • Set themselves on a path for long-term success

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In visiting my stores, I was able to see the difference Tulip’s Blueday made within the store teams. Not only was it automated, easy to understand and available with all relevant data in one platform, it helped my teams construct focused weekly plans that optimized their schedules, planned operational tasks at the right time, and kept them focused on beating their sales goals throughout the shift.